Lovely Time

Today, I woke up with a head cold and I was not interested in the whole doing of anything.

A lot of my interesting stuff took place over at Cracked,com the last few days. I have been taking a lot of hardcore Whedonites to task about their infatuation with all things Firefly. Sorry, but if the show was any good, it would have lasted. Anyway, I went into a rather long explanation of the show and the series as a whole. It failed miserably.

Also, I’ve published my tenth video game review at I just need to get a few more of them done in the next few days. I probably should do one on Arkham City and all that bullshit surrounding Catwoman. Also, I need to do something on some of my DS Games, probably Retro Game Challenge, definitely Rune Factory.

Right now, I have to get back to completing that Top Tenz list on Recession Proof industries.

New goals for tomorrow:

New Review on Probably on that Rika Zombie Hunter, or on that Dracula Girl versus Frankenstein Girl. I wished they just called it Vampire Versus Zombie because that would have been more accurate..

Send applications for a few Geek Culture websites.

Send Applications to movie review sites.

Pitch 5 more articles to entertainment websites.

Work on getting that Barbarian Brothers retrospective completed or atleast started.

Maybe work on that New 52 article.


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